Thursday, July 18, 2013

My Journey: Breastfeeding

I began my Breastfeeding journey knowing this:

Breast milk is better than formula
It is free and more convenient
My mom and grandma did it

My goals for how long I would breastfeed was nothing I even thought about when my son was born. I really had no knowledge of how to even breastfeed other than knowing that you put baby on the breast and let them do their thing. I had friends recommend a consultant if I had any trouble at all. 5 days after my son was born my milk 'came in' and then I was really confused. I was able to get a consultation that very same day and gained a lot of knowledge in the process. We continued on our journey figuring out as we went and I grew to love breastfeeding.

What I learned as we continued on our journey was how amazing breast milk actually is. God continues to amaze me by the way that He has designed our bodies as woman for the birthing/laboring/mothering process. There are so many other benefits of breastfeeding it would take up pages to tell you about. But a few of my favorites are this:

*Nursing releases endorphins and the hormone oxytocin which is the same hormone that is released when you 'fall in love'. This can reduce the incidence of have PPD and give you a natural mommy high!
*Nursing, often times, prevents you from having a menstrual period for quite some time after baby is born. This keeps you stocked up with Iron which is not only a great source for baby, but it helps mommy recover from labor and delivery.
*If baby gets a virus, the virus going into the body through the breast, and the body builds antibodies against that virus and gives it to baby through the milk.
*When your baby goes through a growth spurt or begins to want more milk, your body senses that your baby wants/needs more milk and your body produces more.
*Breast milk is the only nutrients that your baby needs for the FIRST YEAR OF LIFE.
*Nursing burns so many calories many times nursing mothers have to eat more in order to keep weight on.

With all that being said, it is unfortunately now time for my breastfeeding journey to end for my son and I. I am 20 weeks pregnant and my hormones have depleted my milk supply to almost nothing. Although my goal before getting pregnant was to nurse much longer, it is not going to be possible. This saddens me greatly but I know that I've done everything I can for my son and making it over a year is a great accomplishment and not having to give my son any formula was such a blessing. I want to continue to encourage my nursing mothers and friends and be of any help I can to you all. I will be starting another breastfeeding chapter soon enough and cannot wait for that time.

Breast is Best.

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