Tuesday, February 4, 2014

It's ALL hard

This is something that has been on my mind for MONTHS. I've finally had time to write about it so I hope you enjoy.

It seems that there are stages to our mothering boasts. Long ago there was the SAHM boast. Once you could afford or make it work to be a SAHM it was the thing to talk about and be proud of. "I'M a SAHM". And if you happened to be a SAHM that also home schooled, well there you go! Everyone strived to be that perfect mother.

Then came the opposite, the working mother boast. If you were a working mother and you cooked/cleaned took the kids everywhere and still were able to step out in public with makeup on and not in sweat pants, now THAT was what it was about! How did she do it?

Next came the lackadaisical boast.  These are the moms who talked about all the things they DIDN'T do and that they were fine with it. You've seen it, the moms who say "I give my kid chocolate milk and fruit roll ups while they are planting in front of the TV watching a PG-13 movie and I don't care I'm no Susie Home Maker".

Which brings us to the present... I feel we are currently on a difficulty boast. All we want to talk about is what is more difficult.  "I went all natural and unless you go all natural too then you are a wuss". Or "I had a c/s and that's way worst than your 'tear' so stop complaining".... I have 2 kids, I have 4 kids, my kids wont sleep, my babies are close together, my babies are 4 years apart, I work, I don't work... you get it. Why do we feel the need for a public acknowledgement of our achievements (or lack there of)? Why is it so important to us that someone else say "Wow, that must be tough. Hang in there"?  Let me encourage ALL the moms out there whether you stay at home, have 5 kids under the age of 5, you have an all natural delivery, make all your baby food from scratch or you feed your kids fruit roll ups....

It IS difficult. Being pregnant is difficult. Having a baby is difficult (whatever way you do it). Having 1 baby is difficult. Having 4 babies is difficult.  Being a SAHM is difficult. Being a working mother is difficult. Making your own baby food is difficult. Going to the grocery store is difficult. Home schooling your kids is difficult. Putting your kids on the bus is difficult. BEING A MOTHER IS DIFFICULT! Whatever stage you may be in, its hard. Rather than trying to make your predicament seem harder than anothers, can we all agree that what we do everyday is HARD!  But we are mothers for a reason. God knew exactly what He was doing when He blessed you with your child(ren). He knew you would be the one who would do the best job at training and encouraging your child. He gave you the strengths, personality, the humor or whatever it is you use to help you get through each day, God knew you needed that.

I am reminded of Hebrews chapter 12 where we read about the example of God's disciple. It is never easy or pleasant in the beginning but verse 11 tells us it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace. Let us focus not on how difficult our current situation is and lets remind ourselves that we can do it. God wants us and has equipped us to do it. Yes its hard. Yes some days are great. Yes other days we want to pull our hair out. But we survive. Our kids survive. And its worth it to see that 'harvest of righteousness' present itself as our children become independent. Let us thank the Lord for the opportunity we have to be parents and thank Him, yes, for the difficult times.

Lord thank you for entrusting us with such great responsibility. Thank you for blessing us so greatly and allowing us to be parents. Thank you for Your perfect will and timing in bringing them to us. We ask that you help us to be better parents....To be better teachers....To be better examples....To lead our children to you.  We know that you know our struggles. We know that you know our daily tasks and challenges.  We ask you give us strength and patience each day. We love you Lord and ask these things in Your Holy Name.