Sunday, May 25, 2014

Dear teenage girls

Lets be straight... Men think Sexually. Its true. And as a Woman, its hard to understand this. I didn't understand this when I was a teenager and I wish I had. Only when I married and discussed this openly with my spouse, did I even get a glimpse into the mind of a man.  I dressed way too provocatively, and this put me in situations I could have avoided. Since woman aren't visually minded, it's not something we think about. In the summer when we put our shorts on, we aren't thinking, "Are these going to cause someone to lust or put sex on their minds". I was never instructed or told of the dangers of what my immodest behavior would do until I was in college and a professor mentioned it to me. It was very strange to me and made me consider my clothing from then on. I am writing this so that you will too. Please read and consider to take the challenge to protect yourself and help young boys/men to contain their sexual thoughts and minds.

Dear teenage girls, please cover up
Seems I cannot go anywhere without seeing way too short shorts and cleavage on young high school girls. I recently saw a picture that said "its not my fault if my bare legs and shoulders arouse you". We have become so indecent in our society and want to blame the men. Well, it may not be your fault they get aroused, but it does happens and it will continue to happen because Men think sexually. Men have desires, and young men are curious. And believe it or not, they cannot control where their brain wonders. Skin can and will arouse them, tight fitting clothes, even a glimpse of your chest as you bend over to pick something up is enough to cause their minds to think of sex. I think instead of putting blame on someone we need to ask ourselves these things:
       1.  Is it my desire to cause someone other than my spouse to think sexually due to my appearance? (this applies to single ladies)
       2.  Is there something I could do differently to eliminate or decrease this from happening?
       3.  If you are in a relationship or engaged, is it your desire to protect yourself and your spouse from temptation?
       4.  If you are single is it your responsibility to protect and cover yourself from the wrong attention that will present itself due to immodest dress?
       5.  Is it your desire to want to run away from temptation in this area of immodestly and honor the Lord with your clothing?

Hear me Dear Teenage girl. We need to be dignified. By showing too much, we present ourselves as objects. Objects that men can use in their minds sexually. And believe me, they will. You may not even know it happened. You may not even realize what your shorts look like in the back.

We are created in the image of God. We are beautiful. I strive to live my life as the Proverbs 31 woman. In verse 12 it says "she brings him good, not harm all the days of her life". I brought harm on lots of young men as I dressed very inappropriately for a long time. I wish I would have kept my body, that image, sacred and I hope to instill in my daughter a desire to want to keep herself modest to save all of herself, for her future husband, for his eyes only.  I pray for you teenage girl, cover yourself with dignity and may 'all the days of your life' be preparing you for the marriage only God has for you.