Monday, April 29, 2013

How is your Prayer life?

I recently had a friend post a status on facebook asking her friends if they just say "I'll pray for you" and then never do, or if they truly do remember to pray when they say they will.

We are all guilty of this arent we? But why? What are we so busy doing that we cant stop and pray for someone? Dont we believe that Prayer can CHANGE things? Dont we believe that God wants to hear our requests?

I've also read a bunch of posts about Pay it Forward. Some people saying they pay for the car behind them in the drive thru, or I heard in the check out line, the person in front of a friend bought a $10 gift card and handed it to the person in line behind her. It seems the world is getting more generous amidst the horrible tragedies that continue to happen in our country. BUT, do these random acts of kindness pose any future benefit? One could agree this, but what I purpose to challenge us about is how much more of a benefit can we give our friends/enemies/family WHOEVER by praying for them.

A couple years ago I had a friend talk to me over messaging. We were talking about a lot of our struggles and right over the internet, she prayed for me via messaging. I had asked for prayers and never would have thought of doing it like that... but how powerful that was. It made such an impact that I started doing this as well. I have prayed for people on their own facebook pages or messages. I've emailed and texted prayers to people before.  Is anything too difficult for our GOD? Can He not reach people through internet prayers?

My challenge to you is this. With the growing popularity of "Pay it forward" and "Random acts of kindness", I ask you this... Look for opportunities to pray for others. Pray for the Lord to give you more opportunities to affect the lives of those around you.  Facebook, was intended to be something good, but it can and has at times, turned into something toxic. You dont have to scroll down your newsfeed too far to find controversy. I challenge you. Pray for your friends. If you dont feel comfortable typing and leaving a public message, then send a private message and encourage your friends. If someone is having a rough day, pray for them.

A $10 gift card sure if nice, especially unexpected from someone you dont even know.... but those warm fuzzy feelings will eventually fade, maybe even on your way home driving (we all know people are crazy drivers).... but how much more can a prayer impact someone who is hurting, or in need, or feeling alone. Someone who is exhausted, a single mother, struggling....

Lets take the time to pray.... right now

Lord Jesus, You are all mighty, alpha and omega. You are the beginning of everything. You created the world. You created us. You love us so much more than we can ever imagine. You have planned our days before we even knew you. Thank you for giving us all the ability to impact others. Thank you for empowering us with your Holy Spirit. May you bring opportunities for us to encourage and pray for others.  Make us salt. Make us shine like a light on a stand. We love you Lord. Amen